Creation Process

Our furniture is skillfully handcrafted using the best sustainable Ontario sourced materials. You purchase these pieces for future generations as well as yourself.

Our specialty is making useful furniture for customers that respect and cherish fine craftsmanship.

Precision, harmony, and intuition guide our work. We are able to fully experience what we create since we implement of use of conventional hand tools and techniques.


We create bespoke items based on our concepts for private clients and trade professionals.

When you place an order with us for a custom-made item, we go through the following procedures :

  1. Consultation to understand the needs and desires.

  2. Material selection* from available wood in the workshop or lumber order depending on the design.

  3. Design of the desired furniture with all the features and HW necessities to complete the project.

  4. Finish of the furniture will be discussed. Reasonable amount of samples is possible to make for your consideration.

  5. Order - You place the order, and depending on the complexity of the intended work, the leading time will be agreed, subject to payment of the deposit. Also you will receive the blueprint of your project for the future reference.

    * In order to schedule the job a 50% deposit is required